The importance and benefits of
giving back to your community

The desire to contribute to a greater cause is intrinsic to every individual. It imbues life with purpose, nourishes the soul, and uplifts the spirit. It fosters gratitude for one’s blessings and bestows a sense of significance.

Have you ever thought about what you could give up in order to make a difference in the lives of others? We are all diligent when it comes to balancing our expenses and managing our budgets, but now more than ever, have you been wondering what you could part with in order to use those resources to help another person, family, or organization? 

Donating to causes that we care about is a tradition that has been practiced for centuries. So, why not look into taking that extra step in donating instead of clinging onto the things which don’t impact your life in the same way? The power of the community lies in our donations and collective effort. What are you willing to commit to stepping up to give and help make a change?

Have you ever wondered how easy it is to make a difference?

Every good deed adds up, and if every person takes even small steps towards giving back, the collective force of those efforts can create change in a big way. We’d like to challenge you to critically examine what you could be “Giving Up to Donate” instead. Maybe one less latte a week, forgoing lunch with friends, or investing in things with a bigger reward — like social change. 


Such a reconfiguration of habits could result in your making a considerable, uplifting impact on the world and the people around you.

Give Up To Give Back

How It Works

Choose something you normally purchase that you’ve willing to give up. Then choose how often and donate that amount instead. 

1. Choose Purchase

Select which purchase or item you’re willing to give up.

1. Select Frequency

Choose how often you’re willing to give it up to donate.

1. Donate Amount

Complete your donation of the calculated amount.

Monetary donations by way of check can be mailed to: 

Project Succeed

718 Shoshone Street East

Twin Falls, ID  83301